108 Sun Salutations challenge – Summer Solstice 2020
On June 21st we had a New Moon, the International Day of Yoga, a Solar Eclipse and the Summer Solstice! 😍
A day with very high energies!
The challenge is to do 108 sun salutes. Everyone that participated did what they could. It is important to listen to what your body is allowing you to do. You can do just one and rest for a bit, you can do nine, 12, 27 or what you feel up to! We started small and build it up.
The meeting was split into four chunks. In the pauses, we stretch and rest if needed. You can do one quarter and then rest and then join after if you want!
Are you planning to participate in one of the seasonal challenges?
Try this sun salutes practice video:
All you will need for this challenge is a yoga mat, 15 little stones if you want to count your sun salutes, and a sense of fun. Book time afterwards for a nice Yoga Nidra relaxation.
This event will happen online.
Go to my CheYoga_London Facebook group to check out the Sun Salute training we’ve been doing.
Another great resource is my YouTube Channel
Watch the video from the 2020 Summer Solstice challenge here: