Yin-Yang Yoga to balance your doshas
In Yin Yoga, poses are passively held for five or more minutes at a time, working on the soft, dense (Yin) connective tissues and joints of the body as well as working on the deep, dense (Yang) tissues.
A more traditional form of yoga is Yang yoga, which is a practice based on hatha or ashtanga asanas that aims at developing muscular strength, stamina, and flexibility.
Yoga flow.
A style like this produces heat and vigour in the body. Strength and stamina are built through power. Generally speaking, these classes tend to be quite intense. As a result of the heat, stiff muscles are loosened up.
Yin Yoga.
During the Yin Yoga class, we do both seated and standing postures holding for longer periods of time (1–5 minutes).
There are many ways in which you can provide support and comfort when you are using props such as blocks, blankets, and straps.
This concept of yin and yang has its roots in Chinese Medicine, and Ayurveda has a similar philosophy. A perfect counterbalance to the yang is the yin.