Find your inner Guru
Namsate dear Yogis, I hope you had a nice Easter break.
Do you hgave a gratitude journal
This week, I would like to propose to you to do a bit of writing yourselves. You might want to share it on Facebook or just keep it for you, but this is great exercise to focus.
“Today I am grateful for…”
We might only take five or 10 minutes, but it’s a great centring exercise. So find some ‘me time’ and write down what you are thankful for.
Try it out and see how you can feel more inspired and positive.
Step-by-step suggestion:
• Sit quietly
• Pick your journal or just a piece of paper and a pen.
• Set your phone timer for ten minutes or put an alarm so that you don’t have to worry about how long you have left.
• Write the heading “Today I am grateful for…”
• Start writing, even if it’s just one word, you don’t need long sentences. But don’t stop yourself if your pen gets inspired!
• When the time is up, sit quietly for a few more minutes, just being present and thankful.
Have fun and start your: “Today, I am grateful for…” list.
Please if you can share it on Facebook: CheYoga