Second Chakra, Svadisthana or Pelvic Chakra

Welcome to the Yoga revolution!

Let me tell you about the second Chakra, Svadisthana or Pelvic Chakra.

As the sun rising this morning, Svadisthana is bright orange in colour and it is held in our sacrum. It is our water centre, home of the reproductive organs and our desires.

When our consciousness moves freely through this area, we access our potential for self-healing and sensual pleasure. When this chakra remains asleep to our consciousness, we may be ruled by our attachments.


Location: the area of the genitals and the navel.

Colour: orange

Element: water

Sound: Vam (you can repeat the sound Vam as a mantra)

Bodily connections: the testes and ovaries, digestive organs, kidneys and urinary track, circulatory system, womb and prostate.

Themes: pleasure and sweetness and the central life concept of ‘who am I?’

Balanced or unblock: If your Svadisthana chakra is balanced, you will feel a joyful expression of sexuality and the sensual side of life. What’s even better you will feel good about life in general.

Unbalanced or blocked: when your Svadisthana chakra is not working as it should be, you might have fertility problems, sexual issues or find problems with your kidneys and bladder. The ovaries, testes and prostate can be also affected. An unbalanced Svadisthana can manifest through pessimism and emotional coldness.

Asanas: similar to the root chakra, asanas such as forward bends, hip-openers, deep lunges, and squats helps us bring our awareness to this centre.


When you have a moment this week, try and read the following affirmation to your self and take a couple of minutes to reflect on it:

I am a sensuous being.
I express my sexuality fully
and freely in all I do.
I celebrate the creative exchange of
Sexual energy in the universe.
I honour the union and integration
of the masculine and feminine principles as
I recognize and integrate these principles within myself.
I give and receive freely from the wellspring of life.


Here is some music to tune your Svadisthana chakra:

Lets work our second chakra with some hip openers and focus on it when you are doing your warrior poses.


Our Mondays Yoga class is from 7 until 8:15 pm at TruGym (31-33 East St Bromley, Kent BR1 1QQ).

The class is £5 for truGym members and £8 for non members.

Anyone coming to the Monday class for the first time will get in for free! Bring your friends and family!

Quick announcement: this Wednesday, March 5th, I am unable to teach the class, so the lovely Patricia will cover for me

For Beckenham SPA yogis from this Saturday 8th I will be covering all Roberta’s lessons until the 18th, so we will be seeing each other a lot.

See you later!


Geny Caloisi

mob: +447796641151

Skype: geny.caloisi

Facebook: CheYoga

One Comment

  1. Сialis
    5 hours ago


    Second Chakra, Svadisthana or Pelvic Chakra | Che Yoga


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