What will happen at the Spring Equinox challenge

This Sunday, March 21st at 10 am we are getting together online for the Seasonal Balance Yoga Challenge! Celebrating the start of the Spring!
This is a free event, you just need to register here: https://www.subscribepage.com/y4b0h4_copy
What to expect from the 90 minutes yoga challenge event?
We’ll meet in Zoom around 9:50 am. We’ll start the challenge at 10 am and aim to finish at 11:30 am with a lovely meditation.
- What are we going to do?
It will be a mixture between Sun salutations, which are very stimulating and Moon salutations, more cooling.
- How many salutations are we going to do?
We’ll aim at doing between 27 and 54, a quarter or half of the traditional 108. If you are a seasoned yogi, you can do 108.
- How do I count how many salutations I have done?
You can count with stones. check out this video to see how I do it https://youtu.be/b91h6IVDAGE
- How do I do a Sun Salutation?
A Sun Salutation is a sequence of 12 poses linked together to create a flow. Within a Sun Salutation, you can have variations to suit your needs. The objective of the sun salute is to bring warm to your body.
Read about the Sun Salutation in this article http://che.k-creative.uk/yoga/salute-the-sun/
You can practice with this video > here.
- Moon salutation? What’s that?
A Moon Salutation is another sequence of poses in a flow. Its aim is to provide a more calming and cooling experience. You have Moon salutations that are just standing poses and some others that include using your knees and crouching, which demands a bit more strength and flexibility. Whatever your capacity, there is a version to suit you. Learn more about the Moon Salutation on this page: http://che.k-creative.uk/yoga/moon-salutations-or-chandra-namaskar/
- What if I cannot follow or get tired?
You don’t need to follow my rhythm. I will be guiding you and giving instructions but you can take your time and do what you can.
You can even rest and listen and imagine yourself doing it! you can try exercising your visualisation muscle here
- Still unsure what to expect from it?
Come to the Q&A tomorrow, Friday 19th, at 6 pm.
Join the Q&A Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88303430771
After registering in zoom, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Please do register so that I know who is coming!
Spread the love, make a donation to REFUGYM
As a yoga community, we like to help others, so if you want the efforts of the challenge to go further, you can make a donation to REFUGYM, a Refugee Camp project in Greece that focuses on bringing sports and wellbeing to people stuck in refugee camps. Here is where you can donate: https://www.refugym.org/donate
Just add a note saying ‘Spring Equinox challenge’ when you donate so that we can see our contributions.
If you haven’t seen my chat with REFUGYM’s founder Brittanny, check it out:
Here is again the link to register for the challenge: https://www.subscribepage.com/y4b0h4_copy