Transitioning from cobra to down dog

This yoga class is focused on a student’s request: ‘how do we transition from cobra into up dog without getting a twinge on the lower back?’.

A great question and something that many people can benefit from learning correctly.

In Cobra
1- lay facing down and ground your lower body before extending into a full cobra.
2- engage your abs to support the lower back
3- inhale, begin to lift your chest off the floor.
4- roll your shoulder blades into the upper back.
5- go only to the height that you can maintain.

1- lower the chest to the floor for a moment before pushing up into all fours.
2- bring your hip towards your heels.
3- push your hands firmly on the floor as you start lifting your hip to the sky.
4- pull your lower abdomen in.

Downward facing dog
1- feet are six inches apart and the heels aim toward the ground.
2- hands shoulder-distance apart [dressing index finger, middle finger and thumb on the floor.
3- belly in like a whipped dog.

Have fun!
This yoga class is focused on a student’s request: ‘how do we transition from cobra into up dog without getting a twinge on the lower back?’.

A great question and something that many people can benefit from learning correctly.

In Cobra
1- lay facing down and ground your lower body before extending into a full cobra.
2- engage your abs to support the lower back
3- inhale, begin to lift your chest off the floor.
4- roll your shoulder blades into the upper back.
5- go only to the height that you can maintain.

1- lower the chest to the floor for a moment before pushing up into all fours.
2- bring your hip towards your heels.
3- push your hands firmly on the floor as you start lifting your hip to the sky.
4- pull your lower abdomen in.

Downward facing dog
1- feet are six inches apart and the heels aim toward the ground.
2- hands shoulder-distance apart [dressing index finger, middle finger and thumb on the floor.
3- belly in like a whipped dog.

Have fun!

If you are new to Yoga and/or to Geny, we recommend that you watch this video from beginning to end before you practice.
Rest when you are tired an.
Be patient, pace yourself.

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