
Family Yoga at Colfe’s Leisure Centre

For three weeks Colfe’s Leisure Centre, In Horn Park, Lee, we will be running a fun 60-minute session for little yogis (5-12yr) and their parents. Starting on Saturday, August 4th, the lesson will run for three weeks on August 11th and 18th. A child can start Yoga at any age. Yoga lays the foundation for a lifelong journey of discovery, familiarity and

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Stepping into the unknown

Have you ever felt as if you are at the edge of a precipice and you know you have to jump, but you freeze? What you need is to find your courage. The word “courage” comes from the French Coeur, meaning heart. Isn’t it funny that love and courage reside in the same place? There are many qualities associated with

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Getting feed back is a great way to improve oneself

Building a community of Yogis is amazing. You get to meet wonderful people. You share moments of effort, enlightenment, and success. It created a warm feeling in the middle of your chest that makes it worthwhile and makes you look forward to it every week. The ChART sponsored Saturday morning Yoga class at the W.G. Grace community centre in Chinbrook is going

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Yoga and Ayurveda, week 2 Tridosha

The first session of the Yoga and Ayurveda course gave as an introduction to the five elements: Ether or Space; Air; Fire; Water and Earth. These five (pancha) are called the mahabhutas, or panchamahabhutas. Knowing the physical and energetic characteristics of each of the mahabhutas is key to understanding Ayurveda because these elements combine in infinite variety to create our

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Rock on 2017 with lots of classes and fun!

Dear Yogis, I hope you are well! End of January and life seems to be taking a more steady pace, do you feel the same? TruGym Good news for TruGym students, the regular Mondays and Wednesdays class, form 19:30-21:00 are re-starting! We will have the first one this Wednesday, February 1st (tomorrow). Important: you need to book to get in

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Yoga and Ayurveda course, the three Doshas

The first class of our Yoga and Ayurveda course, we learned about the five great elements or panchamahabhutas. These are: Space; Air; Fire; Water and Earth. Knowing the physical and energetic characteristics of each of the mahabhutas is key to understanding Ayurveda because these elements combine in infinite variety to create our personal mind/body constitutions, and they are the building blocks

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