Embracing Fresh Air for a Healthier You
Step outside, do some yoga stretches, or simply take a few deep breaths. Your body and mind will thank you for it.
Celebrate the Autumn Equinox
As the golden hues of autumn paint the world, join us for a serene and transformative yoga class online, on Septemebr 21st at 7:30 am, to celebrates the magic of the Autumn Equinox. This special yoga practice is a journey to honour the balance between light and dark, both in nature and within ourselves.
How to Maximise Yoga for Weight Loss
Weight loss is a result of consistently eating healthily and exercising regularly. The same goes for yoga, since it’s a physical activity. Yoga instructor Fi Clarke shares with Women’s Health Magazine that practising yoga 3-5 times a week is the most optimal frequency for weight loss.
How to thrive in Autumn
As trees change thier colour from green to red, brown and gold, there is no question about it, Autumn is upon us. Get some Ayurveda tips to help you thrive!
What can you do during a Solar Eclipse?
Any time a celestial object, such as the Moon or the Sun cross on their paths, energetic shifts are bound to happen. Today at 19:40pm we will be having a partial solar eclipse. 1- To keep cool and connected, why not practising a Moon Salutation or Chandra Namaskar? 2 – This is also a very good time to do a bit of meditation,