Sharing a poem: Winter’s Cloak, by Joyce Rupp
I want to share a beautiful poem by Joyce Rupp. Let’s embrace the Winter season and join me on December 21st for an online Yoga class to celebrate the Winter Solstice.
I want to share a beautiful poem by Joyce Rupp. Let’s embrace the Winter season and join me on December 21st for an online Yoga class to celebrate the Winter Solstice.
Yoga Advent Calendar: 24 Days of Mindful Joy. Think of it as your daily pause button, a little space carved out each day to reconnect with yourself, move your body, and embrace the present moment.
Step outside, do some yoga stretches, or simply take a few deep breaths. Your body and mind will thank you for it.
As the golden hues of autumn paint the world, join us for a serene and transformative yoga class online, on Septemebr 21st at 7:30 am, to celebrates the magic of the Autumn Equinox. This special yoga practice is a journey to honour the balance between light and dark, both in nature and within ourselves.
Weight loss is a result of consistently eating healthily and exercising regularly. The same goes for yoga, since it’s a physical activity. Yoga instructor Fi Clarke shares with Women’s Health Magazine that practising yoga 3-5 times a week is the most optimal frequency for weight loss.